Surat yasin dan terjemahannya pdf
Surat yasin dan terjemahannya pdf

surat yasin dan terjemahannya pdf

From the findings, there were 15 types of translation techniques which were used in translating, namely, established equivalent, variation, addition, implicit, explicit, adaptation, modulation, pure borrowing, generalization, particularization, transposition, reduction, paraphrase, discursive creation, and naturalized borrowing. The data collected through document analysis, questionnaire, and forum group discussion (FGD). The data were sentences which accommodate ordering speech act taken from the novel “Christ the Lord out of Egypt” and its translation in Indonesian taken from the novel “Kristus Tuhan Meninggalkan Mesir”. The research aimed to find out the impact of translation techniques on shifting the meaning of ordering speech. This research was a follow-up research from some previous research which had discussed some imperative speech act, but it had not deeply discussed ordering speech act. The findings are discussed in relation to the implications that future research can have on attitudes towards Singlish. Singlish is considered a means by which non-Singaporeans can assimilate into the Singaporean community, and yet, it was found that there was an exclusivity about Singlish in that it could only be mastered by Singaporeans. While the distinctiveness of Singlish features allows Singaporeans to recognize and connect with fellow countrymen abroad, serving as a marker of identification and solidarity, it is also viewed as ‘improper’ and ‘a cause of embarrassment’. The findings demonstrate that Singaporeans have a ‘love and hate’ relationship with Singlish. The data, consisting of eight in-depth individual interviews, and the findings were analysed using a theoretical framework incorporating cognitive, affective and behavioural components of attitude. This qualitative study explores the attitudes of Singaporean undergraduate students living abroad towards the colloquial variety of Singaporean English, also known as Singlish. These findings indicate that there are several implicatures related to the feelings of a person's heart shared between Arabic and Malay. Nevertheless, there is an assertive meaning associated with the Arabic style. softening instructions and politeness markers does not play a role in the translation of surah Yasin. Moreover, the original meaning of the particle 'lah', i.e. The findings show that the use of the particle 'lah' can be used as a marker to distinguish the Malaysian translation version (V1) from Indonesian (V2). The resulting categories were then evaluated by the co-authors separately to reduce the risk of bias. based on the suitability of the matches resulting from this analysis itself.


The frequency of use of the particle 'lah' in the translated text was analyzed using ATLAS.ti 22 software to construct specific codes (categories). The frequency of the use of the particle 'lah' in the context of a sentence is described based on the science of balaghah. This analysis is qualitative descriptive, that is, by examining the frequency of use of the particle 'lah' and describing it based on the findings of the analysis in the form of codes and themes. The translation of surah Yasin involves data in the form of printed al-Quran, digital al-Quran, and a manuscript of surah Yasin which is read at the tahlil ceremony. This study tries to analyze the uniqueness of the particle 'lah' in the translation of surah Yasin in Malaysia. Malay is seen as a well-established and accurate language because various forms of translation of surah Yasin have been done which are written using Arabic.

Surat yasin dan terjemahannya pdf